Intervention Model - iTalk2Learn

Progress update on the Intervention Model

Progress Update Having presented the intervention model that underlies iTalk2Learn during a roundtable discussion at the EARLI SIG 6 & 7 meeting in Rotterdam, the RUB team received some enriching feedback. Many experts in the fields of mathematics education and instructional design attended the roundtable discussion and were extremely positive about iTalk2Learn. To improve things…

Intuitive Interaction Interfaces for Elementary Mathematics

Intuitive Interaction Interfaces for Elementary Mathematics Objectives, achievements and challenges Work Package 3 has a rather ambitious objective: The design and development of innovative and intuitive interaction interfaces for Elementary Mathematics, including voice and direct manipulation user interfaces. The achievement of this objective results through the following steps: Provision of speech production and voice recognition…

Working with Year 6 students at St Peter’s School

7/6/13   The Institute of Education (IOE) worked with a small group of 10 to 11 year old students towards the end of the academic year to undertake three main tasks. The students that participated in the research were highly motivated high achievers. Discovering students’ fraction representations The aim of this trial was to observe…